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Edited Vanilla Weapons names Not changing in game

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Ok so i've been trying to edit the disciples blade and make a new weapon based off of it

no new textures or anything crazy. just a dps boost and a new name

BUT every time i edit the name in the CK, the in game name stays unediited

but if i remove DLC04_ma_DisciplesBlade under the keywords section as shown in the pic the name change sticks BUT i can't modify the weapon -_-




Help would be GREATLY appreciated <3


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"BUT every time i edit the name in the CK, the in game name stays unediited"


Does the dps bit still work?


You might have to change it's properties in more places. As mods change item names too (and damage scaling). i.e. Making unique versions of all associated files and entries in the CK and renaming everything.


Can't be more precise as I'm not much of a weapon modding specialist.

Edited by dikr
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Does your modded weapon also have the dn_HasMeleeMod_HeavyHead [KYWD:000C73F6] keyword? If so, you'll need to edit the Instance Naming Rules, specifically DLC04_dn_CommonMeleeUpdate [iNNR:0605027D]. The Disciples keyword and the HeavyHead keyword tell the game to add "Disciples Blade" to the name. Removing the Disciples keyword will prevent you from being able to attach the various Disciples Blade weapon mods, as the game uses the _ma_ keywords to determine what mods can be attached to what weapons.


If you don't want to touch that record (as doing so might mess with the naming of the actual Disciples Blade), you would want to make renamed duplicates of the OMODs and the keyword, and use that instead.

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