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Skyrim's overly simple puzzles in-lore


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Hey, I heard somewhere that the official, in-lore reason why the puzzles in Skryim are so simple is because they are actually designed to keep the draugr locked in the tombs, rather than keeping adventurers out.

Can I get a source for this lore? What official release from Bethesda actually says this?

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There is one book in Skyrim called "Death of a Wanderer". That book is where this "explanation" comes from. However there is also a book called "Amongst the Draugr" that completely contradicts that statement. If one of the books is correct then the other must be false and vice versa. If the doors in the halls of stories were meant to keep the draugr locked in, then how can the "lesser" draugr give energy to the dragon priest/boss draugr? They would have to unlock that door each night to give power to their leader but according to the book "death of a wanderer" they are not smart enough to do so. It's a mess and a very poor attempt at trying to explain bad game design as canon. It really comes down to Bethesda covering their asses by having an anonymous person write a book with one line in it that in-lore explains the horrible game design of Skyrim's puzzles.




Edited by morogoth35
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