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Is there any way to transfer your oblivion account to another PC?


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Yeah, shifting a savegame over to another PC is not a problem, but if the save game included a bunch of mods, I don't think there is anyway around having to set up OBMM, Bash or whatever and re-adding all the mods. Might not hurt to download them again to the new PC (instead of copying them to an external device to bring them over.) That way you'd have all the latest versions.
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For me, all mods I have d/l'ed are saved to my C: drive in a separate folder.

Oblivion (and all associated) can be uninstalled and reinstalled as required (the EULA allows you one working installation on one computer, and one archived backup for safety).


I regularly backup my C: drive to an external storage drive.


For re-installation, I'd need to reinstall Oblivion (plus SI), the DLC expansions, OBMM, OBSE, the Construction Set, the Unofficial Patches, and Streamline. (This would get the Registry set up correctly).


Once reinstalled, I could then copy the entire Oblivion folder from my archived drive onto my C: drive, and copy all my Saved Games into the proper folder on C:.


Voila! Everything set up as I'd originally had it, but on whatever new machine I'd be using.

(I've had to do this before... I use a dual-boot setup, and when Vista crashed on me, it required a complete reformat/reinstall of both XP and Vista, and restoration of all files from my archive. Worked without a glitch.)

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