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Starting Over...


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Hello everyone,


Recently I had to move skyrim to a new folder because it was taking up so much space. I had all these mods still activated, and it's causing some problems. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had a sure fire way to make Skyrim new again. I'm not worried about save games or my mods, I've taken the time to write down the names of the important ones. I basically want to refresh the skyrim folders and the nexus mod manager so that I can begin again renewed, like a glorious phoenix.




tony c.

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Just remove all mods from the manager and delete your skyrim folder, and then download the game again. That always starts you over. I've done it twice.


The reason deleting just the data folder won't work is because Steam doesn't download small files like scripts unless you're starting from scratch. Besides, almost all of the download is in the data folder anyways, so deleting the Skyrim folder doesn't add much more to download.


And all of your saved games are kept in your documents so you won't lose that stuff.

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Just remove all mods from the manager and delete your skyrim folder, and then download the game again. That always starts you over. I've done it twice.


The reason deleting just the data folder won't work is because Steam doesn't download small files like scripts unless you're starting from scratch. Besides, almost all of the download is in the data folder anyways, so deleting the Skyrim folder doesn't add much more to download.


And all of your saved games are kept in your documents so you won't lose that stuff.


That sounds legit enough. I may try it here soon, but I have one other thing to ask. I recently moved all my steam files from one hard drive to another. When I loaded up NMM all the mods were gone from the list, but the game still had them activated. You know what I mean, like when I played skyrim, the SkyUI was still there but it was no longer in my NMM list. So I'm fearful I'll never get rid of them, that's all. But you're sure your solution will right this wrong?

Edited by tonycoolmen
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well when i first downloaded the game i made a backup using steams backup utility (i also ended up having to install steam in a different place :P) and needed a clean install so i simply went into nmm uninstalled everything, uninstalled my game in steam, then i went into the original skyrim directory, deleted anything left there, uninstaled steam, reinstalled steam to new location, then installed skyrim, reinstalled NMM, chose my new folders, copied all mods from old nmm folder to new one (before i started nmm up, that way it should load up with missing mod info already found) activated what i wanted, started game and all was fine :)


so ye, uninstall, delete anything left over (but you may as well check if anything important is there) reinstall and you'll have a brand new fresh game, until you start modding the hell out of it xD


and yes simply deleting everything in the data folder after uninstalling will make sure there are no mods there and that they arent activated, but i would recommend a reinstall of the mod manager after skyrim reinstall, and also having the NMM mod folder somewhere in your documents that way its easy to access everything, and any mods you've already downloaded you can simply drag and drop into that folder and you wont need to faff around redownloading :)

Edited by tredmillion
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  • 4 months later...
SFBryan18, tredmillion, thanks for your help. I haven't replied in a while, but I just thought I'd check back in to say thanks, and that your advice was solid. I check back here from time to time because I just go crazy with mods, and I usually have to delete everything and start over. Anyways, thanks again for the help!
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