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Black Screen When Loading In


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Not sure how to resolve this issue. I'll post my mod load order below and hope that someone can figure out if maybe it's my load order. As soon as I open the game it goes to black and has my cursor as a loading spinning wheel but nothing happens. It is awfully frustrating.



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Just let it run, fallout 4 takes a long time to start up when your using mods. This mod should speed up your game start. This mod is now essential for me lol! If your game continues to load for more than 30 minutes then you need to disable all your mods, and try to start the game. If your game starts then what you need to do is start the game with one mod activated, if it starts up keep activating one mod at a time until your game refuses to start then you will know which mod is causing it.

Edited by Undeadbob666
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