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Papyrus Directory Problem


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As the title says, papyrus has a weird directory that is making my scripts unable to compile.

I'm relatively new to scripting, but I'm pretty certain my issue involves where papyrus/creation kit is trying to pull my scripts from.

That being said, here is what shows up in the creation kit when I try to compile this basic script (attached to an activator) to activate a light on and off using an xmarker:


Scriptname X00LanternToggleArmor1 extends ObjectReference
ObjectReference Property x00LanternLightMarkerArmor Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If (x00LanternLightMarkerArmor.IsEnabled0)
Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "X00LanternToggleArmor1"...
C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\X00LanternToggleArmor1.psc(6,32): IsEnabled0 is not a property on script objectreference or one of its parents
C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\X00LanternToggleArmor1.psc(7,29): disable0 is not a property on script objectreference or one of its parents
C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\X00LanternToggleArmor1.psc(9,29): enable0 is not a property on script objectreference or one of its parents
No output generated for X00LanternToggleArmor1, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on X00LanternToggleArmor1
The directory should be in my Fallout 4 folder or it's Data folder right?
When I try to find the "AppData" folder, nothing shows up.
I would appreciate if someone could explain how to fix this issue.
Thank you,


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You don't have a problem with directory, it's a temporal location, don't pay attention. AppData can be seen if you set "Show hidden folders" in windows.

You do have non-working code, though. There're NULLs instead of brackets. IsEnabled0 -> IsEnabled(), disable0 -> disable(), enable0 -> enable()

Edited by werr92
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You don't have a problem with directory, it's a temporal location, don't pay attention. AppData can be seen if you set "Show hidden folders" in windows.

You do have non-working code, though. There're NULLs instead of brackets. IsEnabled0 -> IsEnabled(), disable0 -> disable(), enable0 -> enable()


Okay, so the script should look like:


Scriptname X00LanternToggleArmor1 extends ObjectReference
ObjectReference Property x00LanternLightMarkerArmor Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If (x00LanternLightMarkerArmor.IsEnabled())
Is this right?
Thank you for replying btw!
Edited by Plarux
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