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NPC-Proof Doors


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Here's the most effective way of keeping NPCs from going through doors:


1. Create a unique key for the door(s), but don't put it in game (and don't add it to your inventory.

2. Set the ownership of the door to PlayerFaction.

3. Set the lock level to "Needs a Key" and select the key you made in step 1.


Once this is done, only NPCs belonging to the PlayerFaction can go through the door(s) without a key. Guards are basically the police, so I'm not sure if this will keep them out. It'll keep everyone else out, though.

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While vyper's way will work, you can also write a simple script that functions the same way as linking two doors, but only applies to transporting the player. I use it in a prison mod that I have been developing for a while now (to keep prisoners inside certain cells).
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