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mod crashing my game make it force close in some places


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this is my mod..

the first 6 is DLC though
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 EskMM_SquadSystemStandAlone.esm
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 JonsMod.esm
10 a AEWS.esp
11 b Predator ballistic mask.esp
12 c Throwing Knife.esp
13 d Shurikan.esp
14 e CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
15 f MOAR Turrets.esp
16 10 Alien Turret.esp
17 11 Mini_Mini_Nuke_NoPerk.esp
18 12 OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp
19 13 OWR_CraftableDecor.esp
20 14 OWR_ChristmasDecor_CW.esp
21 15 OWR_ChristmasDecor.esp
22 16 ShinRedDeath.esp
23 17 Magnificent Spectacle Island by HZS and JC.esp
24 18 TransferSettlements.esp
25 19 M9.esp
26 1a smfArenaGambling.esp
27 1b DOOM1911.esp
28 1c DOOMMAC11.esp
29 1d 3DNPC_FO4.esp
30 1e DisruptingTheMarket.esp
31 1f ArenaMod.esp
32 20 CROSS_PlasRail.esp
33 21 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
34 22 CombatZoneRestored.esp
35 23 TheFishermansGambit.esp
36 24 AA FusionCityRising.esp
37 25 Chiappa_Rhino.esp
38 26 radioactivestories.esp
39 27 CourserGrenade.esp
40 28 Bioscience.esp
41 29 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
42 2a elementalgun1.esp
43 2b M60.esp
44 2c EskMM_SquadSystemStandAlone.esp
45 2d RansackedRelay.esp
46 2e HandmadeAntiMaterielRifle.esp
47 2f CMA_Arena.esp
48 30 PuntGun.esp
49 31 AtomicRadio.esp
50 32 Hellfirenew.esp
51 33 OWR_AOC.esp
52 34 X03BOS.esp
53 35 EquestriaFriendshipRadio.esp
54 36 DOOMDesertEagle.esp
55 37 Orbital Strike Cannon 1.0.esp
this llst is reorder by LOOT aplication.. i though it could fix them

i dunno which one causing trouble when I'm entering some place like warwick homestead which is my full settlement
it is crashing.. and freeze about 5 second at first..
then on the top of sattelitte rellay near finch farm that have super mutants chain also crashing my game..
other than that I found out that some people also encounter this.. the chains itself is so buggy

actually this warwick trouble maybe come after I'm installing 3 /4 mods
they are,
-) moonshine story >>disrupting the market
-) radioactivestory
-) tales from commonwealth
-) courser grenade
-) ransacked relay
-)orbital strike cannon..
-) bioscience mutant

can anyone please help me..??

Edited by Dlex7
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The best thing to do in these kinds of situations is disable all your mods, and then activate one mod and start your game. If it runs then it was not that mod, do this for each mod activating an additional mod each time until your game crashes - congratulations you have found the mod. Unless someone more skilled at troubleshooting than me (very likely) comes along and gives you a better fix, this time consuming fix may help.

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