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Getting a Clean Re-install of Fallout 4. What do I need to delete?


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mod's version is 1.5.1 , and both main files are of version 1.5.1

so yeah , that's the latest version

I don't know of any other page for DEF_UI , and I am very familiar with that mod :smile:


Awesome, thanks. I guess it's just an oversight somewhere by the modder. I've got a similar reading from AWKCR (it's reading: 6.7 / v6.8 ) Oh well, not to worry.


Are you by any chance also familiar with Gold Kit for Color Pipboy and Updated ICONLIBS2 for DEF_UI ?


I want to add Status Effect Fix for Gold Kit for Color Pipboy, but I don't know whether to install Status Effect Fix before or after Updated ICONLIBS2


I'm installing in this order:



Armor and Weapons Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)

Valdicil's Item Sorting

Gold Kit for Color Pipboy

Updated ICONLIBS2 for DEF_UI


Do you know if I should install the Status Effect Fix for Gold Kit for Color Pipboy before or after Updated ICONLIBS2 ?


It seems like they might even conflict but at this stage I'm not even sure I even know which icon they're referring to, so can't really test it. :/

Edited by GenkiM
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I don't know , but I'm not sure if you can really use both mods together

they don't actively replace each other , as they are using different files

but I believe they change where the game reads the icons from , and if that is the case you can only really use one of these


you could try installing both and testing , but my guess is the one you install last will overwrite the other , so you'll only see that mod

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I don't know , but I'm not sure if you can really use both mods together

they don't actively replace each other , as they are using different files

but I believe they change where the game reads the icons from , and if that is the case you can only really use one of these


you could try installing both and testing , but my guess is the one you install last will overwrite the other , so you'll only see that mod


Thanks, that help clarify things.


I think I'll install Status Effects Fix first, and then if ICONLIBS2 over-writes it, so be it.


I guess it either reads from the existing file and replaces it with the appropriate icon (probably doubtful) or, it's just configured to install a new set of icons regardless, so...I guess that's the best bet?


I'll give it a try, but not sure I'd be able to spot the error anyway, as I'm not sure with icon it's supposed to replace? Oh well, not to worry. :happy:

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i use all 5 of those together and I actually have them numbered so I can never mess up the install order lol




I actually followed your load order and instructions (you posted a screenshot for me in another thread, although Holo Time wasn't on there before) and it's working now. :smile:


I've managed to get rid of all of the $ signs from the text, the HUD Plus Plus pop up and the Local Time clock in the Pip Boy. Not sure what was going on with my last install but I'm going through this one super-slow and it seem to be coming together. I've got colour in my Pip Boy again.


Do you know if there's a mod for adding color coded map markers? I thought I saw one and was thinking I might try and install it.

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Do you know if there's a mod for adding color coded map markers? I thought I saw one and was thinking I might try and install it.




actually, i do lol :tongue: - I should just give you my load order lol




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Just realised the status icons the Status Effect Fix patch swaps (the one I was sure I'd never be able to identify) are actually in the photos on the page for the mod. :D





I always wondered why those particular icons never made sense to me, now i see why lol :P

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:D Thanks



Just realised the status icons the Status Effect Fix patch swaps (the one I was sure I'd never be able to identify) are actually in the photos on the page for the mod. :D





I always wondered why those particular icons never made sense to me, now i see why lol :tongue:



Do you know if they're still there after the ICONLIBS2 update?


I installed Status Effects Fix for Gold Kit between Gold Kit for Color Pipboy and the ICONLIBS2 update but no idea if the ICONLIBS2 update over-wrote it.

Also, do you know of any mods for reducing the Settlement quests? I'm probably going to install We Are the Minute Men, which seems to address that problem, and I've installed BS Defence & Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone, so hoping to skip some of the defence missions.

On my last play through it got so that I was getting Settlement quests back to back. I could barely get through one before I got another popping up on my HUD, and I couldn't go near Preston Garvey without him giving me more settler quest. I'm not sure how Bethesda expected anyone to finish the game; after a while it began to feel like a bad management sim with an amazing fps minigame.

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