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Multiple music mods, repacers n non


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Have you seen Music Mods Merged?

You dont need to install all the music mods it links to. You can just install the ones you like then install the Music Mods Merged ESP.

Its also compatible with the music mods that replace vanilla music and voices like High Quality Music and High Quality Voices. Also compatible with sound effect altering mods like Audio Overhaul and Immersive Sounds

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I dont think it matters what you install, the Music Mods Merged has either a replacer version or a non replacer version which I presumes overrides anything else. Particularly as you have to deactivate the Esps from the music mods you download.

Just follow the instructions on the Music Mods Merged page and you should be fine

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Music Mods Merged has either a replacer version or a non replacer version which I presumes overrides anything else


That's the confusing part. Skyrim High Quality Music and Improved Combat music replace all the existing tracks while Celtic Music and Music Lore add new tracks and replace nothing.


I am concerned if I run the replacer than the new music won't play... and if I install the non-replacer than I'm going to have music duplicates

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Ok thanks,


So basically install any of the music mods I want, install music mods merged non-replacer, uncheck all the music mods / deactive them on the plugin list... even if they are not on the list of supported music mods like High Quality Music? Or the new Still and Hun Lovaas?


Is it also true a smased patch will merge music mods?


Edit: tried using he non replacer version. I'm getting a lot of silence / no music other than vanilla. Installed the non-supported mods in the same way as the sorted mods... installed / un-checked plugin... installed music mods merged...


Maybe I'll have better luck with smash patch.


Edit 2: Well I loaded up gator, smashed all including all the non-replacer music mods and that seems to have merged them all together... I of course un-installed music mods merged and re-enabled the music mod plugins before running Gator... but during my initial test it appeared to work just fine.

Edited by Kulharin
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