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Request: Half-face Bandit Mask


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I've been looking around both on the file database and on the forums but can't find neither a file nor even a request for a bandit mask. If there's such a thing and I missed it, a point in the right direction would be much appreciated.


Now then, for those who have played WoW as a Rogue you'll probably be familiar with the generally quite 'urgent' feeling of getting yourself a proper bandit mask (or was it just on the RP realms we had that mania?), and although I quit WoW a long time ago, the idea of hiding a portion of my character's face to avoid identification and intemidate your victims. I don't like, however, the masks, cowls and hoods that are either too styled or has just that - a hood/cowl. I like my character's hair, it's a large portion of what makes her her. So, quite simply, I'd like a bandit mask in this sort of style:



(although not with that pattern.)


So yeah, basically just a hankerchief-like piece of cloth folded over diagonally and tied at the back of the neck (resting just above the nose's tip on the front). As high resulotion on the texture as you feel like, the higher the better (well, sort of). Personally I'd like one just plain, black cloth.



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