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Anyone know how to make bodies disappear?


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Howdy! I'm working on some summoning spells and have figured out pretty much all the steps i need, but there is one thing keeping me from being satisfied with my work: Unlike Conjure Daedra and Conjure Familiar, my summoning spells leave corpses.


Any idea how to make it so when they die they just disappear, maybe after they ragdoll? I found a workaround for the ghosts (I made a second DefaultGhostAshPile script and unchecked "show on local map") but I don't think that'll work for things like skeletons.

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On many NPCs there is a WIDeadBodyCleanupScript. It moves them to a dead body cell.


function cleanUpBody()






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On many NPCs there is a WIDeadBodyCleanupScript. It moves them to a dead body cell.


function cleanUpBody()







Haha, followup: I'm a goofball. Turns out it was the defaultghost script that was spawning ashes whenever the creature died. When I deleted the script and instead added the Ghostability spell to the creatures spell-list, the creature died without leaving a body as normal. Thanks!

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