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Fallout 4 ideas...


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I want to know what everyone thinks should be the plot, setting, ect for Fallout 4.


When it comes to a setting, I have several ideas........

1; Detroit;


2; New York City;


3; Chicago;


4; The Commonwealth (Boston); After playing Fallout 3, and meeting Harkness, I always wanted to see the Commonwealth.


5; Hong Kong; It would be interesting to see how China ended up after the war. You can not tell me that America did not launch at least some nukes when they realized China had launched theirs.


6; New California Republic; It would be fun to see what is going on in southern california since Fallout 1 and 2.




The plot would depend on the setting..

The only plot Idea I have is for the Commonwealth setting. If the commonwealth is used, the player can become involved in a war between the Institute and the Railroad. The player chooses to either help the Railroad take down the Institute, or help the Institute take down the Railroad and recapture the android that they've free. Dr Li could make an appearance, I am assuming with the Railroad, and so could Harkness, who could return north to help other Androids escape, sorta like Harriet Tubbman).


The only Commonwealth location ever revealed, to my knowledge, is the Institute. So, Bethesda would have a clean slate in creating post war Boston.

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all those cities you mentioned would be fine, detroit, boston area, new york etc, almost for sure FO4 is gonna be centered around a big city, no doubt about that, its gonna have buildings and downtown areas, prob some industrial areas to explore etc, i don't see it being desolate like new vegas, apart from the city of new vegas, which i think could of been designed much better, the rest of new vegas was pretty barren, most of the areas were extremely empty other than some tents or a few shacks, i don't see FO4 being like that at all, i think its gonna be the opposite, its prob gonna have more city area than FO3 even and prob much better designed, without all the metro tunnels but other cool locations instead, i also don't see it being anywhere outside the united states, thats my view and i'm looking forward to it cause i know its gonna be a good game, bethesda doesn't make lousy games, they may not have a lot of depth when it comes to story or npc interaction, but for exploration and just overall gameword exploring and enemies to fight, and sneaking around, its gonna have all that.
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I can't think of a better setting for F04 than New Orleans. New Orleans is spooky, reputed to be haunted, and filled with insane characters RIGHT NOW in RL so imagine the possibilities one you give it the Fallout treatment. The outlying area is swampland, and as far as I can tell Point Lookout is probably the most loved FO3 by the fans. It definitely was my favorite DLC, and I'm a Pittsburgher. They scratched the surface a bit with PL as far as spoofing southern culture and I think New Orleans would be the best possible place to further explore that.
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I can see where you're going with boston, very nice idea.


I see where you're getting your point with FO: NV, and I completely agree

new vegas seemed a bit boring after you played it once or twice i know its in a desert, but they could of put more stuff on the map, the airport near the bottom on the map, you couldn't go in any of the buildings, and it only had a few scorpions to kill, the towns were all pretty small, with no action hardly, yeah the powder gangers send 4 or 5 guys to attack goodsrpings, nipton, same thing, nothing is happening there, you get there, ceasers legion leaves and thats it, the map didn't have many places to explore, supermutants were only in a few spots and not even in cool areas like in FO3, they were in the city ruins in FO3, lots of good places to sneak around and hide..in new vegas were where they, on top of black mountain, that was ok but its was pretty linear, you had to follow the road up to the top and didn't have any place to sneak around and set traps for em etc, the factions all lived in campgrounds pretty much, like the powder gangers, ceasers legion, great khans, raiders, even ncr in a lot of cases, just a collection of a few tents,

so the game was ok but its not on par with FO3, even though there were some better elements than in FO3 like weapons mods and weapons.. overall the exploration was much weaker than in FO3, locations and enemies to fight were not nearly as good as in FO3, in FO3 you had lots of good battlezones, dupont circle, la enfant plaza, georgetown, statesman hotel in and outside area, both sides of the capitol building, the mall, tons of huge areas inside like the cryslus building, LOB enterprises, or inside the capitol building, red racer factory, fort bannister those were epic locations with some fun exploration and battles, getting the geck was epic super mutant combat, it was awesome going in the national guard armory the first time, all those robots talking smak, that was classic to me. i'll never forget FO3, i played it for 2 years straight almost. new vegas i was done with after 2 months. as good as the story might of been, the weak exploration lack of fun locations to sneak around or fight was depressing.

Edited by arcanewizard
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I think the New York City idea would be great for Fallout 4, mostly because NYC is huge with lots of places that can be explored. But with it being so huge there wont be many outskirts, unless the bombs do some serious damage, so yes i'd like the NYC one better. Hopefully no matter what is choosen there will be more missions and weapons with harder monsters, the only real thing i liked on New Vegas was the way you snipe and hardcore mode. I really hope them two things come back.
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If Fallout 4 ended up being a MP design- and I think that it could be, I think a radical departure from what everyone else is doing should be considered.


If it were me designed the concept, I would place the world in an unnamed American destroyed metropolis, and design the world with the idea that the players themselves band together to build a secure area or town of their own, to try and protect themselves from the super mutants and radiated what-not that is trying to destroy what is left of civilization.


So, instead of a million Lone Wanderers and the illogical stupidity in that approach in a MP game, you have a survival/building cooperative approach.


There can be competitive villages. The players in "Goosetown" are on one side of valuable resources while the players in "Blade VIllage" are on the other, and both sides need to control the power plant between them.


So you have cool PVP mini wars on a large scale with real meaning, because, whomever controls the power plant has lights. The wars, however, won't be just for war's sake....they will happen naturally, with real, meaningful results. The combat will only be half of what there is to do in game. Getting your own house, and block in order, back to a civilized state would be as much fun and important as the fighting aspects of the game. Cities will grow. People be elected to psitions of power, or murder their way into control, if it's some fascist government.


Game resources will be spent building towers, walls, underbround bunkers.....cool stuff for the players to help keep their town safe, and player housing would be a big part of the game, rather than some afterthought. Players would be working to make their home safe from invasion.

Over the long term, towns will rise and fall, and perhaps eventually some take hold to begin the process of civilization again.

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Some Sciencetist say that in the Future Carlifornia ( or some parts of it) will sink in to the Pacific. I wonder what Impact would this be for the NCR, and there is also the Pacific with his Islands ( for Ingame there could be also some Manmade Islands) , btw whats is with Hawai? In our World its a part of the U.S.A but whats with the Fallout World?


New York its also a nice Idea.

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