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Encounters / Event mod?


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I know for Oldrim there were a few mods like Radiance and Extended Encounters that added new varied events and encounters throughout the world; some hostile, some friendly, some interesting... Added a lot of life an immersion to the world.... is there anything like that for SSE that goes beyond just adding wandering NPC's?


Immersive World Encounters was the best I can find but looking at the comments section there seems to be a lot of CTD issues with it.

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I've never used that one, so I can't say whether this comes close or not, but I use a combination of NPC-adding mods and dynamic enemy spawn mods, and the world gets to be a pretty busy place.


I've got all the Populated Skyrim series and Immersive Patrols, as well as NPCs Travel, and Genesis Unleashed and Genesis Surface Spawns going, at once. The down side is I get attacked a lot. The up side is I get a ton of loot, and there's usually an opposing faction nearby, to help me fight (whether they know they're helping me or not.) Not uncommon to see bandits and necromancers killing each other off, so I can just snipe from the sidelines.


As far as more non-combat interaction, I get nothing really unique. Lots of merchants, vigilants, etc, and come odd conversation. I also use Immersive Citizens, so the existing NPCs can be found in the strangest places, far away from where you'd normally see them.

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