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Not Saving Console Carryweight Change / FISS?


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This is the other issue I'm having. So I changed the carryweight via console using:


player.setav carryweight 1000


Mainly because I'm lazy and want to take as much as I can to the store to sell it after I've sifted through it all and picked out the good stuff....However, anytime I load a save, I have to re-type the console code again every time I load up a save. I can't help but think FISS is somehow responsible but I don't know much about how it works so I figured I'd ask the gurus here.




Side note: if this IS FISS how would I make that change? From what I can understand somehow FISS save all of my settings I'm made in MCM for my play throughs across all my games?

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I spent hours trying to figure out what was happening... I can't believe it was that simple, but it worked. Thanks @Tony_OQuinn

You're most welcome. I'm the same way. Managing inventory restrictions seems like work to me, not something I enjoy in a game. I change the max to about a million stones as soon as they take the shackles off in Helgen.

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