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Saving takes 10+ seconds.


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I am not sure why, but lately when I quick save, or even when I save normally, it will take at least 10 seconds sometimes up to 20 seconds before finishing. It started recently and the only mods I have installed have been the wearable lanterns and caralux mods. I also have the beta 1.6 patch for skyrim. My rig is more than capable to run the game. I have also removed any excess saves.


Any idea what the problem could be?

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Okay, so did it start before the patch or after the patch? If it started after, that might be it.


Also, I have a very capable machine also and running my setting on high makes things load slower. But setting it to medium makes the game very fast and there isn't much difference in graphics quality as far as my casual gaze can see.

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Okay, so did it start before the patch or after the patch? If it started after, that might be it.


Also, I have a very capable machine also and running my setting on high makes things load slower. But setting it to medium makes the game very fast and there isn't much difference in graphics quality as far as my casual gaze can see.

It was a bit after, but I don't think it was directly after. And it's not the loading, but the saving that is taking far too long.

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A common problem with the gamebryo engine is that saves can have plugins and scripts attached to them. So even if the mod is off and its scripts are no longer running the save can still be branded and thus corrupt.


There is no way to reverse this and it is a risk we all accept when we mod on this engine. Whats worse is that it can happen (and does) even without mods on consoles. It just takes a lot longer.

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reinstalling is going a little too far

just delete the mods, and start a new game,

fresh saves don't carry anything over

Damn, I was getting attached to this char too.

Also nice work on the mod, really makes the game better.

Edited by jackal137
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