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What ENB has realistic Daytime Sky?


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I'm messing around with the SKY settings in the enbseries.ini of different ENB's, and can't find one I like. The skies are dark on the top and white on the horizon or super bright to the point the skies bloom conquers the scene.


Anyone have a good ENB that has daytime skies kind of like RCRN or Realistic Lighting? Thanks.

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I don't know exactly what your particular taste in sky color would be since that is pretty subjective. I would recommend looking at some of the authors and users pics on different ENB's so you can get an idea of what the skies look like at different times of day, different weather, etc. until you find one that you are interested in. That will save you a little work downloading different ones and narrow the field down a little. There are a lot of really good ENB's available, so you have a lot to choose from.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I want a sky that looks semi realistic, I still can't find one, tried several ENBs D:


The sky in Visual Immersion III looks pretty good but its SO BRIGHT that it just appears white unless you're staring at it and let adaptation set in. Its the sky not the sun...

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