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Custom armor - object mod problems

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Hi all,


I have a custom radio that I want to attach to the vault suit via an Object Mod (so the radio can be built in the Armor Workbench as an upgrade for the vault suit)

I want to make it fully compatible with other vault suit mods, so I can't just replace the whole vault suit mesh with a custom one, I need to add the radio as an additional mesh.

I've set the radio up as an Object Mod and when built in the Armor Workbench it appears no problem, but it just floats in the air while the player moves like it isn't skinned.


I've tried a skinned version and a non skinned version of the radio and both just float there.

I've checked 'skinned' in the Child Attach Point in the nif, and I've tried setting the bodypart value to torso in the Omod entry.


I've tried a whole bunch of things now, this problem has been stumping me on a few mods I'm trying to make for months now and I can't find a solution on Google, or any documentation for that matter on how to add Meshes via Object Mod for armor.


Can anyone help?

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