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Hmm ... I recall something about windowed mode, but I don't remember if it was that same old case where the person was having sound trouble.


Windows Explorer is what you use if you want to look at files and folders. It allows you to do things like delete files, move files to different folders, rename files and stuff like that. In Vista you can access it from the Start button menu by selecting 'All Programs' then 'Accessories' and scroll down to 'Windows Explorer'. If you have a file that you know used to open with the Windows Media Player before your Corel problem (perhaps a song or video clip you have saved to your hard drive) then you can use Windows Explorer to find it in it's folder on your hard drive. In Vista you can look in the folder 'Sample Videos' found in 'Documents\Videos' (not sure if it would be the same in Windows 7). If you right click on one of those sample video files and at the top of the right click menu it says 'Play' then the file is associated with Windows Media Player. If it says something like 'Play using Corel' or something similar then you have some leftover stuff from the Corel installation.

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I don;t have anything like play using corel 'n stuff, I got just play (WMP). And by the way Corel is not a video player, it's a video studio where you can edit your videos ;D So any idea what to do with this window mode?
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About the only information I know concerning windowed mode comes from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (and it's not a lot of information). Here a quote from the guide:

Fullscreen/Windowed: In Fullscreen mode, the game takes up the entire display area. In Windowed mode the game only takes up a portion of the screen - however make sure that the in-game resolution you choose is equal to or less than your desktop resolution, otherwise there will be portions of the game screen which will be off the edges of your display. While you can get better performance if you run Oblivion in a smaller game window, and you can also set custom resolutions in this mode (See the Advanced Tweaking section), you may also experience some problems, especially crashes related to memory management issues. If this is the case, switch back to Fullscreen mode. Finally, while in Fullscreen mode, you cannot ALT+TAB properly back to the desktop, and attempting to do so can destabilize your system, again because of Windows memory management issues.


The only times I've seen much discussion about windowed mode on here has been related to people wanting to Alt + Tab to their desktop while in full screen mode.

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Yeah, but it's not too much useful for me :/ So if anyone else will have an idea, how to help me, let me know.




Ok, I think my problem has been solved by now :D Oblivion is working fine, even in fullscreen, with music etc. I don't now how did it happen, I started the game today and everything was just fine so :D Thank you very much for help guys, especially Striker, thanks man :_) and see you, i wish you good luck in TES.

Edited by plkerym
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