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Help with animation packages.


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This has become more complicated with more options since Oldrim days and the instructions for these mods and compatibility is not very clear. There seems to be more options and over lapping mods.


I was looking at Pretty Combat Animations and Magic Casting Animations; I assume these would conflict with Immersive Animations? Do they make one another redundant? Does one do something the other does not?


Also XP32 now seems to include options for installing Pretty Combat Animations while installing XP32, so am I suppose to install Pretty Animations through XP32? If so do I need to still install Pretty Combat Animations separately? But do not if I want to use Immersive Animations instead with XP32???


Do any of these mods require one another? Or all they all independent?


Also I am guessing mods like this would not be required if using any of the above? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2425?tab=description


In a nut shell, which of these should I install after FNIS and in what order?







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You are looking at this problem from the wrong angle.


It all starts with the wrong understanding of "package". Maybe it is easier when you use the word "collection". A collection of dozens or hundreds of files. Nothing else. Of course the animators had certain things in mind when they created their collections. Magic Casting is obvious, but with "Pretty combat" it starts to become vague. And with "immersive Animations" the name becomes totally meaningless.


And what the authors certainly didn't do is to take care of the contents of other animator's "collections". They did what they liked, and not what allows poor users to figure out where overlaps are.


And since I don't now of any overview that someone has made to characterize the different "collections", you probably have to look into the mod contents and figure out file by file what is in the different mods, and where are the overlaps. Tedious, I know.

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I decided to un-install XP32 because no mods I have need it. And there was no clear with conflicting information regarding PCA and XP32. I un-installed, re-ran FNIS. No issues.


Now I get the frozen t-pose even if I start a new character.

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