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As long as they keep making single player games, I don't care how many Multiplayer ones they make. In Skyrim I am Lord...and I ain't sharing that with anyone, but that is my opinion and if others like the Online shareworld idea I won't petition against it
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Let the market decide.


I agree. It could be the greatest thing since sliced bread or eat a booger, like some other MMOs of recent past.

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I like the Idea of an elder scrolls MMO, the only I don't is that you won't be able to go first person (from what I've seen) which will be a big negative as for me it was one of the staples of the series (that being a rpg from a FP perspective) unless they make it so you can. other wise the only way they will win me over is with overwhelmingly good story, locations, gameplay mechanics and most importantly the ability to say "screw you" to the main story and do your own thing (the other main thing that is a staple of TES), aka going exploring caves, mines, forts etc without it needing a quest to make you go there.
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Here's a scenario. We all know that the RPG comunity is a diyng breed and a great precentage of RPG consumers are below the average playing capabilities, in wich case TES MMO will be a hit and suddenly Zenimax will be a lot bigger and more powerful than ever (muahahahaha).But seriously, at that point they will surley think of buying the franchise for "The Elder Scrolls" thus beeing entiled to produce the next series (it happened before with Fallout and Gothic). Now Fallout was a relatively lucky case because the new owners, beeing Bethesda continued on the path set out by Black Isle Studios while Gothic went realy downhill mainly because CD Projekt wanted it on XBox. I sincerly hope TES will not share the faith of Gothic but sadly they are on the same path, and agreeing for Zenimax to use their franchise name is the first step on a path that can destroy the TES series. (Before replying that Bethesda made tons of money with Skyrim, bare in mind the first rule of marketing : EVERYTHING has a price!).
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Gothic 4 had absolutley nothing to do wit Gothic series. Not a single character from former Gothic games. And yes Gothic 5 looks good but that will be probably it since it is now own by Nordic Games. (I hope i'm wrong because i realy like Nordic Games and i hope they will keep true to their nature, but again the market decides that)
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Such a pointless thread. The game won't come out for at least another two years. If people are still jumping on the "OMG NEW MMO!" hype by that time, pc gaming would have died before then. To be honest, MMO's died out with WoW and this won't be any different. The only multi-player TES needs is two people being able to join a game together. That's it. Just two heroes running around Tamriel slaying trolls and bandits.
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