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I need help here, Enhanced Character Edit SE presets mod(s)


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Hello there, I'm still new to modding so I need some help here; I'm trying to use a ECE (Enhanced Character Edit SE) presets mods but I'm having trouble understanding how to use them. I've poked around and I need something called CME_save "file" but I don't have one and can't seem to figure out how to create one - in order to use the presets.


I searched some more and something about put them in the slot folder, in order to use the presets. annddd I don't have a slot folder (yes I saved a character in a slot). But i'm still freaking lost.

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The path for the slot folder is Data/meshes/CharacterMakingExtender/Presets. If I understand correctly, then you just need to drop the actual preset file (.slot) in that folder, and you're good to go. I say, "If I understand correctly" because I use RaceMenu, and it's been some time since I used ECE. :)

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Thank you for replying, I've done that and it doesn't work nor load in the preset slots. :pinch: If I can't get it to work, i'm switching to racemenu se


Edited: I'm more stupid than I thought. I didn't realize having to create the CME_save folder would be that super easy :laugh: I it got to work :3

Edited by sodaRAIN10
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