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Skyrim mods do not work.


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Hi! I'm Sam.

Everything seems to work well with mod managers, mods are totally set up, as well as usable. แทงบอลฟรี

However, when I play the game there are no mods - it does not appear in the data file in the launcher. สมัครแทงบอลฟรี

I know this is not clear. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by seangsiri77
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did you make the INI edit?


this is where and what need to be in your INI -





Source = http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:SkyrimPrefs_INI/Launcher


Also, once you install mods, NEVER use the data option from the vanilla launcher


you sound like you're new to modding, specially considering your post count, so below is a link for my guide



Edited by gromulos
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After installing all the mods i rebooted my pc and now the mods dont work anymore, checked everything is in order yet not working. Need solution.


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