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NMM will not start-up


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I really need some tech support here.....i downloaded the skyrim nexus mod manager but when i go to start it up the only thing to appear is a message saying "Nexus mod manager has stopped working.....windows is checking for a solution to the problem." My comp runs with windows but even after that message i get no help with getting the mod manager to work.
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Can you run the game using steam without problems?

What version NMM? Did you download to the default recommended file locations? What steam update?

Are you using SKSE and if so, which version? Also, are you then using the "launch SKSE" buttin on NMM instead of "launch Skyrim?"

Have you tried to reinstall NMM and also to verify your game cache through Steam?

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I have no problem running the game with steam on its own and i downloaded version 0.18.4 right off the nexus website. My steam client is up to date and my skyrim game cache is verified with no problems. I dont use SKSE and i even tried reinstalling the 18.4 version as well as the 18.7 version. I even reset my comp after i reinstalled the 18.4 and 18.7 versions.
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If you have Windows 7, are you running the file as an administrator? (Right click mouse on the icon, Left click run as administrator)

Check your skyrim Prefs/ini (My documents/My games/Skyrim) to see if you have the following line in [launcher] section:




If not, added it.


I hope this helps.

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I tried running it as admin but it still does the same thing and that line is already in my skyrim launcher section. "[Launcher]


But thanks for the help....i have no problem downloading mods the old way but NMM would be 10x faster and easier to manage.

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Hmm, can you explain what you meant by this?

My comp runs with windows


What are your computer specs...particularly are you running 32 or 86 bit, Which version of Windows?

What is the folder path that you installed NMM to, and what was the folder path that you instructed it to save file to (default Games/Skyrim, or somewhere else?)

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