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raising merchant skill


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the 99 beer on the wall method is such a pain.

what if instead the more stuff you sell at once the more merchant skill you get?

also a 10X merchant mod too

being that elder scroll merchants never have any money

we want to fight not spend hours on end selling stuff but we do want to sell our stuff


also why does stuff get hidden can that be fixed too

and the morrowind inventory screen is superior

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also why does stuff get hidden can that be fixed too


If you are talking about when you put an item in a container that already has a bunch of stuff but it doesn't show when you reopen the inventory screen ... that is a known issue caused by having items that are repaired to beyond 100% in the container. If you put another thing into the container your 'missing' item will appear but the last item 'disappears'. Not sure if it can be fixed ... I just stopped storing things that are repaired beyond 100%.

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Khettienna's mod Remove Extra Data - Fix Containers with Missing Items is a quick fix for this issue.


DarNified UI can show inventory in a similar manner to Morrowind - there's a screenshot demonstrating this at the download page. There is at least one other UI mod which does the same but the name escapes me.


Enhanced Economy gives extra experience for valuable items and is highly configurable to individual taste. Fundament allows you to modify skill advancement rates.

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