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How to tell that your meshes uploaded correctly?


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I'm getting a bit worried that my mods meshes haven't been working for people who downloaded the mod, and haven't been commenting that it's not working, resulting in a mile-high pile up of people downloading a purple floating head with an invisible body.


I've tried downloading the file and it works fine for me....Is their a way to make 100% sure that a mod using new textures, meshes works properly for other people?

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What I always do is this:

1) create the meshes and textures in a folder called the Mod title in your "My Documents" or something of that nature

2) Copy and paste them over to your "Data" folder just as you would install another mod.

3) Once the mod is created, copy the .esp over to that folder with the meshes/textures/etc.

4) Zip up the folder that contains all of that via the program of your choice (7-Zip, Winrar, or just the stock .zip creator)


What this does is ensure that the file path will be the same for you as them, as to make sure that the files are placed correctly in their mod folder. This will generally make sure that there is no issue. :biggrin:


Something else you could do, just to make sure it installed correctly, is remove the files from you Data folder and install it as someone else would, so if it works for you then, everything is most likely fine :thumbsup:

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I'm getting a bit worried that my mods meshes haven't been working for people who downloaded the mod, and haven't been commenting that it's not working, resulting in a mile-high pile up of people downloading a purple floating head with an invisible body.


I've tried downloading the file and it works fine for me....Is their a way to make 100% sure that a mod using new textures, meshes works properly for other people?


At the very least, we can't help if you don't tell us what mod you are talking about.


Anyway, uploading a zipped archive is not going to change your NIF files, so the problem is somewhere else.

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Also make sure you haven't used absolute paths in your meshes ... if the path to the mesh is C:\Program Files(x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Armor\MyCoolArmor\MyCoolCuirass.nif then anyone who doesn't have the game installed in C:\Program Files(x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion will not have your cuirass show up in-game. The paths must all start at meshes or textures for textures (e.g. 'meshes\Armor\MyCoolArmor\MyCoolCuirass.nif' will work for anyone, no matter what the path to their game folders is).
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Oblivion isn't installed in the program files, it's in a "games" folder. C:\Games\Oblivion\etc.


The reason I'm kind of nervous about this is because of these two mods I'm concerned about, because their the only two where I've been confirmed that someone ended up with purple headed invisible body things. (One being a comment, the other being a YouTube video demonstrating some mods.)


This is the newer version of the mod from the video:


I think it should be fine, but considering that's what I said about the older version....I'm not so sure.


The mod I first had any notification of Graphic Problems was this one:



I'll probably do the uninstall/reinstall thing from now on. Thanks for all the help.

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Doesn't matter where your game is installed ... what matters is that in NifSkope your meshes show texture paths that start at textures not C:\Games or Data\textures or anything else. Textures\Armor\MyCoolArmor\MyCoolCuirass.dds will work ... add anything before textures and you'll run into trouble.
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This is the texture path copied from NiffSkope. It' from one of the meshes used in the first mod I linked:


Does this mean they've never worked at all and people just kept downloading it? :ohdear:

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Anyone who had their game installed in C:\Games would be able to see it just fine. Anyone who has their game installed anywhere else would not see the textures. Change the path to just start at textures (e.g. textures\creatures\scarycave-textures-dog\scarycave-laddie.dds ... note no backslash before textures) and it will be fine.
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I've tried it. It worked for me. :D

I was worried when the mesh went all white but it works.

I've updated the Companion mod and I'll probably do the other one later.

All I need is some kind of conformation, but I have a good feeling about this.

Thank you so much.



I lied, I couldn't resist getting the other one up too.

Edited by scarycave
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