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[WIP] Babylon


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The Project Babylon takes you into a complete new world. Babylon is going to be a German-speaking Total Conversion (there also shall be an English version), with a new area, new weapons, armour, buildings and plots, which won’t take place in Skyrim. But it is our aim not to change the real history of Babylon as far as possible.


~ Story ~


You start as an ordinary farmer in the countryside next to the fervent horizon of Babylon. Doing your daily fieldwork, you and your family are attacked by bandits, who burn down your houses and kill all family members except you. As your old life has been destroyed, you seek revenge and join other survivors from your village who are marching to the golden gleaming city of Babylon. Most of the other farmers just want to build up a new life, but for you only revenge counts. Your investigations discover a grim intrigue, which could turn into mortal danger not only for you, but for all of Babylon’s inhabitants...


~ Features ~


- a complete new world in the ancient Babylonia


- a big city and many things to discover


- a new crafting-system


- a dark story full of intrigues


- Riddles and other thrilling quests


- a level-system based on XP


~ Team ~


(members / free helpers)


• Schmelz

• Heno

• Dragonfly

• NiagaraNovalis

• Farinov

• Neutrinos

• Ysolda

• Barcode

• Watertop

• Eranir

• Pantoffeltier

• Movert

• Aerin

• SpaceWiking

• Necrob

• Harvald

• Strelok11

• Porscha

• Tzontlimixtli

• l4ur1ds


Above all, we are looking for anyone who likes modelling and texturing or creating Concept Arts. But everyone is welcomed who wants to help us with creativity or knowledge. We are offering a friendly working atmosphere, where RL has priority, and a project-forum inaccessible for outsiders.


If you are interested, please contact me via e-mail: [email protected]


~ Foretaste ~


You can see the temple-ziggurat of Marduk: Etemenanki (better known as the „Tower of Babel“).


This is the render of the Blender-model (without texture), arranged by Heno:






This is the Ishtar Gate, as a model without texture, arranged by Heno again:





The first one to decipher this clay tablet will get a cookie ;)




This is an ordinary spear, as it was often used in the army:




This is one of the most famous reliefs, known from the Ishtar Gate, for example:




~ Updates ~




Time for an update:


The Team, that by now named itself "Chronicle Arts" is happy about some new members.


Amongst others we now have a Concept-Artist, due to who you can see some drafts now.


To avoid spoiler, I won't comment on them further:






Furthermore I am glad to tell you, that there'll be folk-specific Gamestarts! (We avoid the term "Race" for several reasons...)


In the end we'll look after our Heightmap that's finally finished!


Down on the left, there's Skyrim's Heighmap for comperison. (Watch out! The colours match different Heights / I've had to use different scales of the colour-scala cause the surrounding of Babylon is very flat...)


To point out the dimetions I've added a scala.



The map is huge? I've mainly choosen 8x8 Quads to have enought reserves for the case that we are going a bit away from the city. (The greatest part of the TC will act within the walls!)


>>Watch out!<< Due to a longer absence and unattainability of myself, please contact Neutrinos!





There is an Update again.


This time the Update isn't from Schmelz, but from me (Neutrinos), then I'd like to use this to tell you, that I'm your contact persom for the next time (as Schmelz already mentined).


I'm very glad, our project has moved forwards in the last time. Alike I'm realy pleased about the big interest in our project from the community.


It also would be my wish at this time, again, to appeal interested modders for a collabaration: At the moment we mainly search for combatants on 3D-modelling for buildings, landscape and armor, but sure aswell all other modders are kindly invited to apply. If interested please just message via one of the community-sites via PN.


So now to the promissed Update :) Today I present you concept arts of the priest and the dragon of the well known relief.










Edited by Schmelz
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  • 4 weeks later...

Time for an update:


The Team, that by now named itself "Chronicle Arts" is happy about some new members.


Amongst others we now have a Concept-Artist, due to who you can see some drafts now.


To avoid spoiler, I won't comment on them further:




Furthermore I am glad to tell you, that there'll be folk-specific Gamestarts! (We avoid the term "Race" for several reasons...)


In the end we'll look after our Heightmap that's finally finished!


Down on the left, there's Skyrim's Heighmap for comperison. (Watch out! The colours match different Heights / I've had to use different scales of the colour-scala cause the surrounding of Babylon is very flat...)


To point out the dimetions I've added a scala.



The map is huge? I've mainly choosen 8x8 Quads to have enought reserves for the case that we are going a bit away from the city. (The greatest part of the TC will act within the walls!)


>>Watch out!<< Due to a longer absence and unattainability of myself, please contact Neutrinos!

Edited by Schmelz
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This is very ambitious, though I do hope it is is finished! Good luck :thumbsup:
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Saw this, thought it looked like an awesome project and was like :thumbsup: . Saw XP based levels and went :yucky:.


Not to flame or rant or anything, but more as constructive criticism, there are better alternative methods than an XP bar which is 90's technology. Only reason you still see it around today is because AAA gaming companies are too lazy and too scared to trek outside their safe zone.

Edited by Budz42
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  • 1 month later...

Within my absence Neutrinos has announced an Update on th 22.07, wich hasn't reched this forum so far; so I now hand it in (in translation for sure^^):


There is an Update again.


This time the Update isn't from Schmelz, but from me (Neutrinos), then I'd like to use this to tell you, that I'm your contact persom for the next time (as Schmelz already mentined).


I'm very glad, our project has moved forwards in the last time. Alike I'm realy pleased about the big interest in our project from the community.


It also would be my wish at this time, again, to appeal interested modders for a collabaration: At the moment we mainly search for combatants on 3D-modelling for buildings, landscape and armor, but sure aswell all other modders are kindly invited to apply. If interested please just message via one of the community-sites via PN.


So now to the promissed Update :) Today I present you concept arts of the priest and the dragon of the well known relief.




Edited by Schmelz
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Great! I love the Babylonian style, Mesopotamian civs are far too rare these days in games.


I can't wait to fight a Mušḫuššu! :D


It's possible I could help modelling some weapons and maybe armour, if I can whip up anything good enough.

Edited by Tzontlimixtli
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