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Custom decals loading intermittently - any idea why?

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Does anyone know why a custom decal would load sometimes and not others?

They are showing just fine in the CK, but in game sometimes they just don't show up. I can leave the cell and come back, and then it will be there. Can't determine any pattern to it.

Any ideas? Why would the game decide to arbitrarily not show them, and/or how could it find the file sometimes but not others...



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"any ideas"

I might have a few hehe.


I recommend picking Worsin's mind on this too.




the pre-vis for the object is incomplete or missing, or both.

(yes, decals are also objects hehe).

so, you need to path it and have the different scale map for it too.


It depends, if its a gif based format to the decal,

it might be trying to think its an animation, the flickering rate will depend on the nif bakeing to that.

ie, for 'lights'/'silhouette for back-light on garments which light up or play decals".


it might have a conflict with another decal mod's pathing or structure?

It might exceed the max size for decals and be resized (but, the resize mipmap/Nif stuff isn't complete).


another probable one;

Your settlement placed items exceeds the cell limit -

a variant of the Cell Reset Issue described in the Optimization Thread here;



It can sometimes be all of those,

especially if you're doing "Lenticular 2D-3D keyframed decal applique' for like door-portals, window silhouettes,

or lenticular posters.


I had a lot of decal issues after an update ~8months or so ago,

for the Lava-y Lava Lamps and Snow-Globe / "Lucky Answers Cueball".


the 'i on move over' event can sometimes not start properly for the poster...

sometimes, the transparent ADAM7 intermediate layers will render ~12ft or so away from the poster too, not in-line.



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That's great, I appreciate the help. I will definitely have to look into some of those so I can figure out what they are, and then if they apply!

So by decal I mean what the CK calls a decal, a projection onto a surface. Using the blue arrows. It's not a decal on an object like an armor or part of a mesh. Do these have pre-vis and maps? Would this possibility of incomplete or missing pre-vis cause it load fine sometimes, but not others, then load fine again after exiting the area and returning?


I am not only having these issues with decals placed in settlements, but out in the Commonwealth.


I have been suspicious that it might have something to do with whether or not an object is coded as persistent. Think this is possible?

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