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Vertical Lines issue


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So after searching google high and low and these forums a couple of times, I have yet to find a solution to this issue.


Two screenshots clearly depicting the issue.






I am using an HD3870 x2 card, a quadcore CPU @3.2GHz, 8gig RAM. My rig runs Skyrim just fine on mostly high detail with high res texture packs, at relatively high FPS without stutter except when loading new cells. But this issue has persisted through everything, so I am seeking your expertise, forum goers.


I have vertical lines through most fauna, and it's garingly apparent when I move the carmera. It kills immersion quickly and all I can focus on is how to get rid of it, and I haven't found a solution. This problem has been persistent since before I ever modded the game, and I've tried every ini tweak mentioned in connection with it (to no avail). I've also manually hunted down and removed all ENB series related files (as well as d3d9.dll both out of my skyrim directory and out of my system32 folder).


I've tried tweaking and disabling almost all video settings, both in the Skyrim launcher and in CCC and even tried ATI Tray Tools instead, My graphics drivers are up tp date.

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I believe your problem is most likely caused by your graphics card being pushed beyond its limit, and possibly overheating. Have you checked its running temperature during the game?

When did you last blow the dust out of your computer?

Have you used something like CPU-Z to check your GPU's performance under the game conditions?

Are you using windowed mode or regular?

Have you tried running the game at a lower screen resolution?

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Have you checked its running temperature during the game?

I've attached a screenshot form MSI Afterburner, I have it controlling my fan to keep it cool. The max of 91c was actually from before I started using afterburner to keep my card cool.


When did you last blow the dust out of your computer?

It has, admittedly, been too long.


Have you used something like CPU-Z to check your GPU's performance under the game conditions?

I think the afterburner screencap covers this questions as well. The screencap is after about 20 minutes of playing. I was outside as well as in dungeons, and did a lot of combat, during the test run for the screen cap.


Are you using windowed mode or regular?



Have you tried running the game at a lower screen resolution?

Not yet, since I wasn't having FPS problems I didn't know I would need to, but I'll try it out to help with the vertical lines.



Turns out I can't use any of the other resolutions. Just the default one for me (1680x1050)

Edited by abrb2011
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I don't have a radeon card...are you using factory settings?

It looks from the afterburner readout that you are maxing your GPUs for most of the time. Turning down some of the graphics settings could solve your problem.


I'm using the card as I got it, and I don't believe it was ever overclocked.


Turning the graphics settings down doesn't seem to do much in the way of improving performance or lowering GPU usage, although I did remove all of my high rez texture packs, and lowered some of the fade settings.


I'm now having a new issue.




Enemy actors are freezing all over the place, this is also apparent throughout the entire fortress. Going to start turning off mods and see what happens.

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