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I am relatively new here and hope you can help me. I wanted to give my character different colored eyes red (left) and blue (right) but all mods I found that give me the option to select two colors don't have those options. Can anyone help me with this or tell me if I missed a mod that can do this?



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I recommend the eyes of amber mod (or amber eyes...something like that. Type amber and it should show up.) It has tons of options and there's a fairly decent chance at least one will be blue and red. If not, you can go into the files and try to make your own by taking your favorite red and blue and doing whatever is necessary. It doesn't sound like a tough mod to make for yourself. I myself have been trying to find a gold/red combo among other things to build a particular character.


Edit: Eyes of Aber (not amber). Damn autocorrect. Could swear I turned that off.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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Thank you for your quick reply. I think I even have the mod you mentioned but never found that combo. Sadly I am to scared to even try to make my own mod Skyrim would most likely end up up side down and with burning water or something like that...

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I get that. I haven't done any real modding in years. It's almost like learning a new skill at this point (especially since I've never been one for tech terminology). But eye textures should be an easy enough starting one if you want to start learning. I can't imagine that causing any significant damage (unless you really really really messed it up.) Youtube tutorials might help if you want to give it a shot.

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