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Skyrim Crash I need help


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warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp29"


[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (1C000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnKeymapChange() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 181

[08/31/2018 - 10:28:57PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp29"


[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (1C000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnKeymapChange() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 181

[08/31/2018 - 10:29:38PM] VM is freezing...

[08/31/2018 - 10:29:38PM] VM is frozen

[08/31/2018 - 10:29:39PM] Saving game...

[08/31/2018 - 10:29:39PM] VM is thawing...

why what is

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I've seen a similar problem to this.

By the sounds and looks of it;

you either have two mods trying to run a script at the same time for the same item and your game can't handle it;

OR you have uninstalled some mods improperly at some point in time and their scripts never got removed.


It's hard to tell without the full script log. I would make sure your load order is in proper shape or you don't have two conflicting mods. If you're using NMM that could be why.

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To check and double check your load order, try my guide, https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/


when doing step 2 check for any orange or red mods


When doing step 3, if Xedit crashes, you are either missing a file or have a child file above a parent file


My guide was SPECIFICALLY written to help people with this exact problem :smile:

Edited by gromulos
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