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Quest NPCs won't talk automatically


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You know when an NPC forces you to talk to him/her because it's part of a quest, for example when you walk up to the College of Winterhold and the Elf outside automatically talks to you once your in range? Or when you first meet the Greybeards, or when you report back to the Jarl of Whiterun after killing the dragon. Well that has suddenly stop happening for me and I have no idea why.


Now don't get me wrong I don't find it a gamebreaking issue, in fact I sort of liked it when it first happened. But now I am in the College of Winterhold and at the point where the old mage asks the player what they should do next after there is some debate between him and the rest of the apprentices. But it never happens, and I can't talk to him because he's "busy". I can get around this first part by healing him, which activates the first part of dialogue for some reason; and then attacking him, which after everyone calms down activates the second where he gives me the ward spell and tells me to "stand over there".


But after this nothing happens, even if I activate the ward, he just stands there like a potato. I would love it if someone had a fix for this that didn't include commands to skip that part of the quest because this affects the whole game and I don't want to run into it again.

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out of curiosity, have you started the helm of winterhold quest?


for some reason that quest can bug other quests and some interaction with NPCs



also, what mods are you running?


No I haven't started that quest because I know of the problems it can cause.


I am running a lot of mods, but 99% of them I had before this problem started. I have uninstalled mods I thought might be causing a problem but to no luck. I am currently reinstalling Skyrim fresh with no mods to see if the bug persists, if it does then I will be out of ideas. Hence why I have made this post.

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