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ok so i was gunna make this thread about one game, then realized i should make a general E3 thread. what have you guys noticed so far that excites you!...i just saw a trailer on Dishonored that im fully excited about.




take a look. it comes out the day after my Birthday! hope to see more. definitely a game im looking forward to this year.



another game i saw was one called Watch Dogs.



looks very interesting



of course my most anticipated game of the year Borderlands 2!


and lastly Metal Gear Rising




the new DMC reboot is also looking good.but im excited to hear of anything you guys have heard about. im excited about AC3, but im still on Brotherhood, so i havent honestly been paying attention to the news.


i couldnt post more videos since the limit per post, and didnt wanna create another post for more videos. feel free to put up videos in your posts though. :D

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YAAAAYY its coming out on pc, that gameplay footage was on the pc, thats why it looked so good. Finally a decent pc game :biggrin: ..


No jaggys by the looks of it woot.


It was developed on pc for a change.


Edited by Thor.
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yea, i very well may get Watch Dogs on PC. now a days, i really only choose Console over PS3 if A) there isnt a PC version or B) im playing a sequel. then i feel obligated to play it on the same console (though i didnt with FONV) plus just in case they make saved game content that looks at previous game saves and stuff....though i also choose action games on Console cause im more comfortable with the controller. like Dishonored ill probably get on Ps3. but we will see when the time comes. it all depends if ive built my PC by then too. if i havent, i may just get it on console. my laptop is a good laptop and all, but a game that looks that good deserves a full desktop. imo.


watching more of Borderlands. UGH i want it soooooooooo bad NOW

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if buy DRM you mean always online (because isnt DRM a general term?) then DRM isnt bad if the servers are fine. in all honesty i have no problems what so ever with DRM. it wouldnt affect me. my internet is never down. so as long as the servers dont crash constantly (a la Diablo 3) then an always online DRM wouldnt even phase me.
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My last experience with Ubisofts DRM was a painful one. It wasn't just the always online or even the forced account registration that was the problem. I had to also log into their launcher each time and let it do whatever it had to do (which could take a few minutes). After about a week the launcher broke and I couldn't even play the game without a reinstall. I am sure they don't do things that poorly anymore but that little pre-order surprise will prevent me from buying any of their games before I read up on them. Hopefully they don't do anything silly like that with Watch Dogs because it looks really promising.
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