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I need a Pimp-Glove for my Pimp-Boy


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You're not the only one. The fact that the glove is the same for both Pip-Boys is jarring and immersion-breaking. Even for a post-apocalyptic wasteland, you'd think the Pimp-Boy would look much nicer, glove and all.

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It looks like most of it can be copied from the pimp-boy itself (in regard to the texture). I don't know about the gem (the big diamond on the back of the glove) though. Does anyone remember a gem in game that can be used?


I don't see why you couldn't scale down one of those crystals near the Forbidden Dome. Scale it down to fit the glove, change the color, do what you have to do.

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I don't see why you couldn't scale down one of those crystals near the Forbidden Dome. Scale it down to fit the glove, change the color, do what you have to do.

I don't remember them being cut gems, but rather crystal formations, so they probably arent' the right shape. However my memory is far from perfect. I'll check them out, maybe I can use them as a guide for material properties

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that I think of it, I do recall in YanL's Blackjack armor mod, he used a bust from Gomorrah for one of the pauldrons on his gladiator armor.




If he could do that, there's no reason you couldn't do the same with those crystals from Old World Blues.

Edited by WeissYohji
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Diamond here, perfect shape




I actually use this for a Mr. House cane




The gem on the cane can work for the Pimp-Boy glove.


I haven't done much of a "gangsta" playthrough myself but I have done some tribal genius runs based around the Fist of Rawr, Compliance Regulator, Holorifle, and throwing spears/axes; and have made sure to get the Pimp-Boy every time. It's right up there on my checklist along with keeping the Heartless and Spineless perks after finishing Old World Blues. As I've had such characters pursue the Independent Vegas ending, it only seems fitting that my new Queen of Vegas have a regal-looking Pip-Boy instead of the one you start the game with. If you're going to drive both Caesar's Legion and the NCR from Vegas with the aid of robots and tribals and make your own country, why not do it in style? Mr. House? He does have the technology and knowledge to rebuild the Mojave and colonize space but he still kicked the inhabitants of Vault 21 out of their own f*#@ing home! And what's he thinking allying with the Slither Kin, the tribe that would go on to become the Omertas? They're a bunch of backstabbing slavers, rapists, and murderers; what makes House think they won't throw HIM against the wall? What makes him think one of the Omertas won't somehow gain access to the Lucky 38, kill House, and then form a better-dressed version of the Legion? They may be a wasteland tribe that dresses like Cosa Nostra, but they aren't stupid. There's no reason they couldn't have a Benny of their own. Better that the Courier takes over and shares House's technology with the Followers.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I just read your PM,

No worries


I am still interested in this mod.

OK so I was thinking of trying to implement this shader effect (or maybe it was a matterials edit) that I saw once that gives an actual reflective surface (I don't think I'v seen it in the base game). I think that would give it some serious bling

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