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Merge Plugins with no dependency


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Ok, so I'm the author of all those settlement files (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34337) and I want to merge them together in one file.

However with FO4 Edit I can only create a file that still depends on all those single files as masters.

With the "MergePlugins" the game crashes anyway.


Can anyone explain me how to merge them together without creating plugin dependeny?

Thanks in advance.

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I'm struggling with the same problem.


I've found that it seems possible to remove the esp-dependencies by loading the new esp up in the Creation Kit and CTRL-delete the "master esp" in the parent master list to the right, as in this method from CreationKit.com:




So the "complete" method I've found is to first merge an esp with FO4Edit (this will be dependant on the merged-from esp), then load up the newly merged esp in the CK and undo the dependecy.


I've done this with some test files, and it seems to work well. I've double checked that the new merged-in esp is not dependant on the old merged-from esp both with FO4Edit and the CK, and the new esp loads up fine in-game with no ctd. I'm still a little worried that this might have unforeseen consequences down the line, but I have no idea.


Is this Creation Kit-method of removing esp-master dependencies OK to use?

Edited by Chiaro22
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