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"Failed to enumerate subscribed files"?


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MY hardrive died a few weeks a, and I just got around to reinstalling Skyrim. When I click the launcher, though, a message pops up saying "Failed to enumerate subscribed files", and when I load the game it plays the logo and freezes on the screen with the emblem. I googled it, and I found a lot of other people with the problem, but they said it was caused by having too many mods installed, and I haven't installed any. Any ideas what could be causing it?
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When you reloaded, did you try to reinstall a backup of your game, or start a new one? Also have you verified your game cache on steam, and made sure to have the latest updates of your mods, and SKSE (if you are using this).

Have you run BOSS on your mods to check optimize loading order and check for conflicts?

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BOSS is mod sorting software. It helps you put mods in the optimum load order. You download and run it like a regular program (not a mod). You can find it, though, but typing BOSS in the search on the Nexus search page.

However, if your problem is being caused by Steam, then this will not help you.


The first thing you would want to do is verify your cache (through steam) and see if that solves your problem.

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