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Help please, door wont move

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Did you visit the place before inside your game and saved, while the door was at the old place? The locations of doors are said to be stored inside your savegames, thus many mods changing lots of doors (like Better Cities) come with scripts to move them in game.


I don't know if a cell reset will help with this, but it can't hurt going away from the cell far enough and waiting for 3 days (or how much your cell reset count is configured to) to see if it helps.


If it doesn't though, I'm afraid you'll have to revert to a savegame from before you visited the cell with the door at the old location. Perhaps a clean-save, that is disabling your ESP, loading, saving, then enabling it again, will also do the trick, but I'm not sure it works with doors.

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I've found that you have to do the following to change a door position:


- disable the door as a permanent reference

- move the door mesh to the desired location

- reset the door as a permanent reference and re-link the door to its partner on the other side

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