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IN-GAME ESP explorer / something like Additemmenu for Skyrim


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1st, I apologize if I post this in the wrong category. Pls let me know if so, I'll post where you point me.
a1a3a6a9's awesome mod - IN-GAME ESP Explorer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16718 ) seems to have been abandoned.
The author hasn't logged in for over a month.
Modders are ppl with lives, school, work, kids, fam's and so on, I totally respect that.
The mod is my fav mod, of all my fav mods, lol, so I was wondering if someone either could update it (doesn't work since the new runtime and F4SE) /take over the mod entirely or if anyone felt like doing a new version of the Skryrim Additemmenu ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905/ ) for Fallout 4.
One issue that could be looked at, if anyone feels like continuing a1a3a6a9's Explorer, is that the mod seems to slow down quite a bit if you have more than 150 mods active.

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Thats an issue you need to take up with the original author, its in bad form on the nexus just to take someone else's work without their permission. Or just use the console commands to search for esps.

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