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Improving Companion Combat AI


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Has anyone messed around with the combat style settings in game? I'm trying to figure out why my companions are just standing there for 3-5 (or more) seconds while some feral ghoul or other nasty literally chews on their face before deciding to start shooting. I've noticed the same thing in ranged combat, bad guys all over, I'm shooting like crazy, companions just standing around skygazing and doing anything other than shooting. Even when they are getting shot, they don't respond for a while.


Considering that in New Vegas I often had a hard time getting a shot off before my companions, especially Boone with that sniper rifle, would be blasting the hell out of enemies it just seems weird that in Fallout 4, they just kinda stand there...


I've opened up the combat styles, which I am assuming, perhaps wrongly controls NPC's reactions in combat but the only thing I am seeing that might fit the bill is under CSLR - Long Range there is a wait multiplier heading. But I'm not sure if this would be what is causing my companions to not do anything once combat starts.


So, I figured that I would ask here and see if anyone has cracked the hood on companion combat and figured out why they just stand there for so long.


I've got a mod that improves their accuracy, which is nice, they have even successfully managed to hit the ground now without gravity assist, and even the occasional building... if they are inside of it.... But so far I haven't found one that gets rid of that infernal pause before they decide, "Hey, I'm getting shot, maybe shooting back would be good"


Any ideas folks?

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Its not a combat style issue, more a combination of perception range (enemy detection), follower passive/aggressive stance and AI package update latency.


The Companion Commands mod does a great job to speed up switching from "Attack only when provoked" to "Attack on sight".


AI package refresh can be forced on a fast (say 1 second) update timer switching to combat on enemy detection with a really simple script, but, it is inelegant in resource overhead which is why I haven't published it. All that glitters isn't gold.

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Where is Attack on sight and Attack only when provoked found? I kinda wanna switch just dogmeat back to attack only when provoked.


It would also be kinda nice to give him some realistic behaviours that make him flee from certain enemy types (maybe not realistic for a dog actually, lol) but PA enemies are set to be extremely powerful in my game, and.. I never understood him charging at turrets, only to be downed every single time.


Probably the best option would have him to only attack on command and engage only with a same target I am engaging with melee, but that would probably be impossible.

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