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Help getting back files


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So I forgot to backup the original daedric armor model files, including weapons etc while working on a mod. Does anyone have the original daedric armor and weapon files they can send me? I really dont want to uninstall and reinstall skyrim on my potato pc. Thanks!

Edited by kyloz
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Unless you unpacked and deleted the meshes archive they're stored in, they should still be in said meshes archive. Check your various .bsa files.


The meshes are also gone. Basically the meshes bsa and textures bsa are screwed. Ideally I just need the texture and mesh bsa files then I can make a copy of them so I always have a backup.

Edited by kyloz
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BSAs are archive packages, much like zip files. They can contain assets such as meshes, textures, scripts and sound files. All of the vanilla assets are packed into BSA files. Daedric equipment should be in "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa" and "Skyrim - Textures.bsa". Extract them using BAE (which works for Oldrim and SSE).


You don't have to (and shouldn't) pack them back into the original BSAs when you're done. Just leave them as loose files, keeping the directory structure from the BSAs.

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