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Edoras (Rohan, Middle Earth) Lord of the rings Mod Project


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It's 2:35am, and I am extremely upset and annoyed.


This is going to have to suffer a huge set back, I just lost everything. For some reason my .ESP seems to have just wiped it'self of all memory, and I've lost all of my work. That is in total about 300 hours lost... so yeah.. I'm gutted. School boy error not to back up files I guess... *sigh*



Ouch!!! Bro; I feel your pain ....be cool; thing could be worse you know...I mean; some crazy nutcase woman could cut off your penis and toss it at the window of a moving car... :confused:


I hope that by some miracle you find a way to recover your work, and if now...just drink some natural cold orange juice...it's good for the soul and the temper. :biggrin:

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I am terribly sorry for the files lost and your decision not to join the team, obviously you have much talent and a love for Middle Earth, thats we are always looking for! By the way I fully support this project you're doing. I have worked with Elder Scrolls Moding tools since Morrowind so I am very talented with all the moding tools Bethesda releases, LPteam strives to help the moding community working on other Lord of the Rings Projects and I would love to get the chance to help you with this. Thank you, -Kurtis Climer Edited by LPKC
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Thanks guys, as it stands I'm going to need to take a breather, as you can imagine how depressing it is to have to start from scratch. What I will say is I'm not going to let this mistake effect anything, I've learnt my lesson and I've learnt much about the creation kit in the meantime, so give it a week and I will be be back in there and getting this job done. I'm aiming for it to be done by September, but we'll see.


Once again I appreciate the sympathy, and the giggle did me good too 3ukalipto :P

I'm always looking for guidance, so I'll be in contact at some point Kurtis, thanks!

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Thanks guys, as it stands I'm going to need to take a breather, as you can imagine how depressing it is to have to start from scratch.


Oh I know this feeling all to well. Stick to your guns even if it is discouraging. Or sword, whatever you fancy. :tongue:

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Ouch mate, that's a real shame. =s And yeah, I feel your pain too. Once spent 450 hours in GtkRadiant making a huge castle with village, then my hard drive died and the entire project went down the well. Glad you're not giving up though, really looking forward to raiding Edoras!
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Appreciate all the kind words from you all. I'm going to work on something small and casual for the next week just to gather my motivation to start Edoras again. Also to have a further think of how I can improve upon the last attempt! I will give an update when I can, i've got a lot of free time so if all goes well I'll be looking for testers around late september!




Oh and a word of advice to you all... ALWAYS BACK VALUABLE FILES UP.

Edited by Enjoiben374
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