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Dark Brotherhood Question


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just for reference uesp.net is like the ultimate repository of knowledge for vanilla skyrim! every quest, location and item, literally everything...i mean they are awesome over there!


so if you need specific info about places or quests i'd say thats the place to go, but if you can't find it, be sure to ask over here, we'll definately know, and definately answer (sooner or later xD)

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Is it possible to get the "Destroy The Dark Brotherhood" quest after missing the chance to kill Astrid in the shack? If so, how??





I believe she becomes essential after you leave the shack. Maybe even after you talk to her when the killing's done.

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OK, another thought. Can I reset the quest to meet Astrid in the shack again?


Well, there is a resetquest console command ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console ) but whether or not it just resets the quest in your journal or actually puts all the actors and items back is something I can't answer.


I suppose you could save and try it, and if it didn't work, reload.

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Stemin, I'll check that out, and post results here.


Georgiegril, I can't go back to that old of a save, assuming I could even find it, as it's far too many levels ago. Oh well. The last DB quest I did was the shack murder when I should have killed Astrid, but was unaware that I could, or what it would have meant.

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