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higher quaility visuals


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i just installed skyrim and started my first play through. i installed all the HD pack mods and high rez textures but i feel that the view distance needs more detail and i would like to make the trees look smoother edge wise. im currently running the advanced shaders and the full ssao but i want more. can any one recomend what i should do next?


i run a i7X6 and 7970's in crossfire so im open to anything.



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read up on tweaks. There are a bunch guides on the internet and threads all over the nexus. Search for skyrim graphics tweaks or similar.

Do not do more than 1 tweak at a time, then test your game to see it's effects. What works great on someone else's setup may ruin yours.


NVidia has a good guide, even if you dont have an Nvidia card. Google GeForce Skyrim. 20 pages about half of which explain basic settings tweaks or .ini tweaks anyone can use.

Tom's hardware has a lot of discussion that is card specific, you may want to go there to see what others have done with your card. TechDigest has some info for higher-end cards.


Check the top 100 list for mods that improve visuals. I particularly like SMIM and WATER, but there are lots of mods that you might find you like.

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It is a graphical enhancement mod, that has been tweaked and offered by a bunch of other authors, but you may want to have a look at the original mod author's website. There is a bunch of info that may help you: ENB.

Many people love it. I have a low-memory graphics card, and it didn't do much for me. People with higher end-graphics cards seem to really like it.

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