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CK render screen will not respond to mouse input


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I have been messing around with the CK trying to figure it out and make my first mod; however I can not get the render screen to respond to any inputs. I load up the Fallout4.esm and a test.esp so i can safely change stuff without breaking my game. And I do double click on a cell to load it into the render screen but to not avail. I have also reinstalled my Fallout 4 and CK a few times and still nothing.


If anyone has a suggestion I would be most appreciative. I use Windows 10 and have a GTX 980m if that helps.


Thank you,


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Are you trying to load a workspace cell or an interior cell? How long have you waited?


Just trying to brainstorm but if your trying to load a worldspace they can take a long time. Especially in downtown cells.


You can try going settings “grids to load” in the preferences to 3. 5 is the default and loads a 5x5 grid of cells, reducing to 3 speeds up loads.

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Thanks for the reply chuck.


I have tried setting the "grids to load" to 3, I've even tried it at one.


As for the cells I have tried both. I can't say how much I have waited for them (but if I had to guess I'd say the longest I've waited for an interior cell would have been about ten minutes), but the line at the bottom of the CK says done. And when I use the middle mouse button to trying and look around the coordinates do change at the bottom of the CK.


Also if I try to move the render window to resize it, it will some times show what I should be seeing but I still can't interact with it.

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When you do get a cell to load are you sure your not selecting an FX? They can get in the way and make it seem like your not selecting anything.


Try this when/if you get an interior cell to load,


1. In the cell view window check the “Selected Only Box” and try to interact with something in the window. If you have selected something it will be the only thing showing in the object list.

2. If an object is selected hit 1,1 (pressing the 1 key twice hides the selected object)

3. Rinse and repeat until you select an object you want to edit.


Hit the “M” key shows hidden markers which helps because you can see invisible objects.


Hitting the “A” key toggles the lightning in the cell.


I am not really sure why your having so much trouble to be honest. Try testing on the Sanctuary basement, it is a small cell with allot of FX.

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I will try that once I get out of my classes.


However, I think I might not have explained my problem properly; from what the CK says I can load a cell just fine and select things, it's just that the entire CK window is completely white so I can't see anything to select what I want to select.


Thank you again for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it.

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So I just tried the Sanctuary Basement and I am still getting the same problem I have been getting. The CK is saying that the cell is loaded, and I can see the coordinates changing as I rotate the camera; but it is still a white screen.


Is it possible that a mod conflict could be causing this? I don't have too many installed at the moment, and I would think that the CK wouldn't load them unless I tick them when loading up the files to edit.


Another thing I thought of is that, I cannot run Fallout 4 in windowed mode; I just get a black screen. I will still hear sound and can interact with the game I just can't see anything. Would this affect the CK?


Thanks again.

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My first thought might be something to do with the graphics driver. You mentioned having a GTX 980m. So you're on a laptop? Does it use switchable graphics? If so, it could be using the integrated Intel or AMD driver instead of switching to the 980m. You could open the nVidia control panel and make sure CreationKit.exe is being given the high performance option.


If that's not it, and you have any ENB, ReShade, or similar type tool that adds a DLL to the game folder installed you could try removing them temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. Short of that I would check for updated graphics drivers.

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