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Skyrim NMM problem.


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Okay so today I opened NMM and updated to the latest version and this happened:




As you can see, the "latest version" has reset to 1 on most of my mods. Also, when I try and click the version to go to the mod page, it just takes me to a "file hidden" page on skyrim nexus.

Please help! Has this happened to everyone else?

It also won't let me download files through NMM.

Edited by Fuuuzz
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Yeah, that has happened to me in the past. It will return to the proper settings, maybe the next time you open it. If you continue having a problem, you may want to go to the NMM forum.

I tried restarting NMM which didn't work, but then I looked through the options and turned them all of and on again, then restarted NMM. It works now, thanks.

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