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[#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 60 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.


Is there a good reason for this? Obviously if people are spamming they would be reprimanded anyways. I find it frustrating that I can't post as fast as I can read.

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It's called 'Flood control' this prevents - or at least slows down certain types of attacks on the site where someone - or a lot of someones keep hammering the site over and over with the intention of either spamming or slowing it down (DoS and DDoS attacks). It also cuts way down on the number of duplicate and multiple duplicate posts by legitimate users who don't see their comment instantly appear on the forum.


Without flood control, a spambot can post dozens of spam posts in a matter of seconds - flooding the site with their trash posts. Or a Simple DoS attack could tie up the server trying to deal with thousands of requests a second.

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It's called 'Flood control' this prevents - or at least slows down certain types of attacks on the site where someone - or a lot of someones keep hammering the site over and over with the intention of either spamming or slowing it down (DoS and DDoS attacks). It also cuts way down on the number of duplicate and multiple duplicate posts by legitimate users who don't see their comment instantly appear on the forum.


Without flood control, a spambot can post dozens of spam posts in a matter of seconds - flooding the site with their trash posts. Or a Simple DoS attack could tie up the server trying to deal with thousands of requests a second.


Is it possible to change it so the counter goes into effect when you hit the post button and not when you hit "add reply" ? It usually takes me a good minute to type my response anyways.

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Nope it is a hard coded function of the forum software, either enabled or disabled....Dark0ne is loathe to muck about with the forum software.


It is what it is and probably will not be changed.



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I've had the same thing happen a couple of times too, I just learn to deal with it as well.


Can't read and post too fast on forums due to spamming so I see why it occurs.


Of course It comes into play more when I feel like responding to multiple support threads more then any other part of the forums.

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