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Where are the masterpieces?


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So yeah I know there's lots of good mods but none like the really good mods that the Fallout series had (Such as Project Nevada, etc). My question is is anyone known to be making a huge mod? or is there one and it's just not popular?
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I know of a lot of popular huge mods that are amazing and I have heard of lots of large projects in the works too. If you go back a few pages in this forum you'll probably see some threads for some projects. And check the top 100.
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I know of a lot of popular huge mods that are amazing and I have heard of lots of large projects in the works too. If you go back a few pages in this forum you'll probably see some threads for some projects. And check the top 100.


What s/he said. :biggrin:

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well skyrims only been out for 7months or so, and people are still familiarising themselves with the new ck and things, but there are quite a few large and amazing mods in the works all over the place, just takes a bit of looking!....a good way is to search forum threads and so on, and also if you see people who have signatures with this

there is usually some links in here to projects they are working on :):)



um off the top of my head though, check out skyre, step,pise and just for its awesomeness sluckyd's gokstad portable sailable ship

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The huge mods need time to get released. Oblivion materpieces took some years to reach the final state.


Plus, the CK is available only since February, and SKSE has just been updated to extend papyrus (before it was just for interface).


Papyrus isn't enough for huge mods ;)


Anyway, there are tons of big projects here, you just have to check 3-4 pages of the mnod talk

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you will see a lot after tesVedit is released.. but i also see a very dark cloud in skyrim's modding future. and it is the limited memory that the mods are allowed to use..as a whole :unsure: i'm going to introduce a very large amount of models and above all textures in the game, but I'm afraid it will cause problems with other large mods if this is not taken care of.
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you will see a lot after tesVedit is released.. but i also see a very dark cloud in skyrim's modding future. and it is the limited memory that the mods are allowed to use..as a whole :unsure: i'm going to introduce a very large amount of models and above all textures in the game, but I'm afraid it will cause problems with other large mods if this is not taken care of.


amen to that, hopefully they'll be making an update to fix that :P....i cant see beth overlooking that, i mean it could potentially cause problems with future dlc's :P... its really annoying having to limit how many house mods and such like you use :P but per individual mod ive never had a problem, it only becomes a problem with lots of different mods :PP....tesvedit? will that bit like fo3edit and fnvedit...or something similar to the ck? like skyedit?

Edited by tredmillion
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Ill be releasing *the* arena mod once I get all of the quests finished then voiced. I could always use more feedback and opinions if u wanna share any in my [wip] thread. Id link it here...
but I'm on mah phone.
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Ill be releasing *the* arena mod once I get all of the quests finished then voiced. I could always use more feedback and opinions if u wanna share any in my [wip] thread. Id link it here...

but I'm on mah phone.


well im off to your wip thread xD...see you over there.


well i couldnt find it xD but if you drop us a link ill jump over there and give some feedback and such like :)

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So yeah I know there's lots of good mods but none like the really good mods that the Fallout series had


This topic is a bit insulting. You wish to imply that the modders who are modding for Skyrim are not making any "really good mods?"


I have a suggestion for you. Put your money where your mouth is. Don't just sit on the sidelines and complain. Download the CK and some other modding software. Read some tutorials and documentation on the wikis. Start building some simple mods. Then start building some more complicated mods. Maybe you will be the one who will finally provide the Skyrim community with some "really good mods." (And if you don't succeed in doing this, then you will learn a bit of humility, compassion, and empathy. You will have a good feel for the subject and will be able to articulate long lists of reasons why the Skyrim modding system is preventing modders from creating "really good mods.")

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