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Trying to get the hang of gimp and similar programs... hasn't worked for me. I've spent nearly six weeks now trying to learn how to do simple recolors of the vanilla oblivion clothing, and all I've succeeded in doing is driving myself slowly mad.


So, it's (I hope) a relatively simple request. I'm looking for recolors of the vanilla middle and lower class clothing and shoes, for male and female. It's especially frustrating for me that there are only two complete outfits for middle class characters and a very narrow range of tops and bottoms for both classes. There are lots of upper class clothing recolors, but the vast majority of the NPCs I create (to date, all of them, actually) are lower or lower-middle class, and it's a bit odd to me seeing so many similarly dressed 'background noise' characters.


I would be incredibly grateful if anyone does this! It doesn't need to be packaged into an esp or anything, just as a useable modders resource would be a blessing. I've got a couple of mods that offer recolors of the lower-class shirts, which is excellent, but I'm still feeling the lack of other things.

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