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Good spots for benchmarking


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Hi all, this isn't really a tech support question, but this seemed the best place to put it, feel free to move the topic or whatever if it belongs elsewhere.


I just wondered if anyone had found any particularly good areas of Skyrim for benchmarking fps etc (anywhere that'll particularly push your system, or give it a more specific test e.g high object counts to deal with in one place but lots of effects in another).


I've been using Whiterun (the city worldspace and a run around the exterior) to setup my graphics settings, and to be honest I'm surprised I'm getting results as good as I am - there has to be somewhere more brutal on the hardware?

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I believe outside of Riften is pretty demanding due to the falling leaves and denser trees. Also if you are benchmarking make sure to disable the fps limiter or you will just sit at the 58-60 range. I would re-enable it after due to the problems that come with disabling v-sync.
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Cheers dude, I'll have a few runs around there... to be honest I have the reverse problem re fps limiter/vsync - I won't forget to turn it off because I don't seem to be able to turn it on - certain I have changed the right settings (AMD so set "wait for vertical refresh" to always on through Catalyst Control) but Fraps still says it pushes into the 100's.


It did turn into a tech support question in the end!

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