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Vampirism - Racial Eye Colour


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I'm sure many of us are brainstorming character ideas for when Dawnguard is released, mainly vampire characters obviously.


In Skyrim, vampirism makes your eyes differently coloured depending on what race you belong to before turning into a vampire. A Redguard will have a different eye colour than a Breton, for instance.


What I would like to know is what the differences actually are. What do Nord vampires' eyes look like? Imperial? I can't find any info on this.


The only one I remember is Bretons having golden eyes, but that's it. Mind helping out?

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I'm sure many of us are brainstorming character ideas for when Dawnguard is released, mainly vampire characters obviously.


In Skyrim, vampirism makes your eyes differently coloured depending on what race you belong to before turning into a vampire. A Redguard will have a different eye colour than a Breton, for instance.


What I would like to know is what the differences actually are. What do Nord vampires' eyes look like? Imperial? I can't find any info on this.


The only one I remember is Bretons having golden eyes, but that's it. Mind helping out?


The others races i don´t know but the nords have a red eye.Oh, and thanks for the information about the golden eyes of the Bretons. :thumbsup:

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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